Why Families Are Important To Us
The reason we chose to specialize in a family therapy is because we know firsthand the damages done to the whole family when a loved one is suffering through addictions, the family suffers with them.
Often what we find when someone has gone through a residential treatment program and returns to their families, is that they feel better because they have made huge changes and are eager to enter into the full-time family role, only to be met with children that have not had the healing time required and a spouse who has pretty much been depleted of any hope. Their relationship left off at the time the loved one left; the family is still on defense from the hurt that they’ve endured for so long and life at home is not easy for any of them.
The person has the understanding that because they have changed, they are able to just easily enter back into the family, only to be greeted by hostile children who don’t even know them anymore. The severity of hostility ranges with age, the older the child the angrier they are. The damage depends on the length of time that the family has had to live with all of it. Unfortunately, sometimes, and actually often what happens is that they end up losing the whole family. More times than not, they return to their harmful addictions because they haven’t had efficient time pass between the turmoil at home and their personal change.
That is just the short-term effects, quick story reality. But studies have shown time and time again that children who were raised exposed to a parent or loved one who was engaging in harmful addictions have a huge chance of following their example. We have seen it with our own eyes over and over again. We know that reality, we promise you do not want to take that chance and live through that experience.

It is one thing for a parent to struggle through harmful behaviors themselves, however, it is a complete nightmare to finally get themselves together just to have to watch their own children grow up and struggle through that same thing is absolutely brutal. Unfortunately, at that point there is nothing you can do about it, it’s too late, all you can do is beg and plead the way your family did during your time of addiction.
What we offer is a healing therapy solution for the whole family so that our clients can return to their lives as healthy, happier individuals and succeed in life as well a as a family together.
We offer each family member a complete treatment therapy plan that is individualized to fit their needs, with unlimited therapy. When each family comes to our program, we first spend the time getting to the root of each of their issues, and taking it from there. We have unlimited family therapy and marriage therapy as well.
We cannot claim to be a complete transformational program if we leave out the whole family, they are so important and valuable, we cherish families.
We encourage anyone who is struggling through addictions to contact us, if at first you cannot get the help you need for yourself, then please do it for your family sake, their lives depend upon it.
Let us help you get your family back together and start over.