Our Take On Addiction
Addiction is a subject that has fascinated our society for so long. It’s been debated, it’s been the topic of many conversations, it has seeped into the personal lives of so many people and seeked and destroyed many great great people.
The medical field classifies it as a mental disorder, with the objective of prescribing medications as a way of relief and solution.
The Judicial system says it’s a choice and punishes addicts accordingly to keep business booming within the Judicial World.
Society says addicts are just a bunch of losers, who refuse to grow up and take care of their families.
Addiction specialists says that all addiction stems from childhood trauma.
At times during our addiction we believed everyone’s point of view on us, the medical, judicial’s and society’s.
Until we got the healing we needed, now we know that our addictions stemmed from childhood trauma, and all the hell that comes along with that.
We know that it is a behavior we chose to “deal” with life, a sort of coping. A way to not feel for the moment. There is always the escape from reality from the pressures of life.
Experts say it’s a learned behavior that some turn to as a way to cope with their everyday lives.
Addiction is a planetary problem, it does not just affect the poor, weak, stupid, good for nothing people on this planet. It has no boundaries of social status, no prejudices of location, the birth of it stems from children who were traumatized has children, and we know that for a fact.
We have thought long and hard about this debate. We went through the nightmare of addictions ourselves for many many years, then we spent many more years trying to find a solution to it once it became life threatening, and even afterwards.
We spent many years going through therapy, self help, scratching at dirt, screaming at the top of our lungs to get better just trying to find a healing solution, and at times believing the medical world, the Judicial world and the public opinions as well. Coming to the conclusion that something was terribly wrong with us directly. How could we do what we did to ourselves and the ones we love? Always left devastated by relapse and suffering.
Through today’s modern neuroscience we found the truth. We are living proof that it is actually a behavior that we adapted to in order to deal with what was buried so deeply within ourselves, many many years ago.
What we found was that once we healed our broken bones and wounds inside ourselves, once we dug deep, deep within ourselves searching, begging and crying for a solution we no longer needed the harmful addictive behavior to deal with life. We no longer felt the need to escape just one more time, we no longer needed to numb ourselves and punish ourselves.
We agreed that if we could heal ourselves we would dedicate our lives to helping others overcome their harmful addictions, and their families as well.
We make the process very easy by brain mapping and an unlimited amount of personal private counseling with the best counselors in the world.
Then we studied Neuroscience and Epigenetics.
Epigenetics proves that we are actually not doomed to be just like our parents were. Epigenetics is the study of DNA that directly reacts and forms from our environment. It also brought a lot of great news into our world of addictions. We found that by changing our outer world we were able to change our inner world. But only after we found out what was ailing us sort of speak. Once we got to the root of the problem of why we were doing harmful things that were destroying our lives, we were then able to take it a step further, into change and that’s when we came across Epigenetics.
We have a little study on Epigenetics by Dr. Bruce Lipton which we get into a better understanding of ourselves and what makes us tick.
We get into neuroscience and learn how our brains work, what it actually is, why it is working against us and how to make it work for us. You see the brain is a habitual “machine” and likes things to stay the same, that is why it is difficult to change sometimes. We have a wonderful study on neuroscience as well, we learn how to break the habit of being ourselves, and change us into who we want to be. It is actually very interesting and very helpful to truly understand yourselves and not get pushed around anymore.
We also take you through the wonder of new cutting edge science such as light understanding of Quantum Physics, please do not be intimidated by this portion of our program. We promise you that you’re going to love it. The reason we teach our clients a bit about Quantum Physics is because it is proven that everything is energy, through Quantum Physics we can do brain scans and actually measure our thoughts. Since everything is energy and everything is connected through energy. which has been proven by Quantum entanglement, what shows up in our reality is there because we have drawn it to us.
We have thought of everything with our program and included it, our mission is to get to the root of your “problem” , then introduce you into some healing therapies, and take it one step further, which is to guide you and your family into the greatest version of yourselves.
The Quantum world is where we bridge science to the spiritual world. We know through science that we are spiritual beings (energy) living inside a human body while on this planet.
We actually don’t even stop there, we bring you back to your homes and settle the family back into the new normal routine, and yes, we stay there with you for as long as you want us to. We do not care about the amount of time, we only care that you succeed.
This is a website so we cannot get into everything, but the scientific proven aftereffects on families who have been exposed to a loved one who is self destructing through harmful addictions is devastating. We want you to hear us and believe us. We know first hand what we are talking about. We have had to live through it, we do not wish that upon anyone.
We have provided lots of educational videos for you to look over on all of these subjects, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and addiction, the effects on families who suffer through addiction. We have included lots of information for those of you who are visual and auditory learners, under the education center on the website, you can find lots more on our YouTube Channel as well.
We know that addiction is a behavior, it has been proven through science and healing, we are living proof that through education and understanding you can heal your life and your family’s too.
Welcome to a world of change and infinite possibilities, we are here for you, we are so glad that you could make it.