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Movement Therapy

For many people suffering with a substance abuse addiction, dance movement therapy (DMT) provides a way to express their feelings without having to verbalize them. 

What is Dance Movement Therapy? 

The American Dance Therapy Association defines dance movement therapy “as the psycho therapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual.”  This type of expressive therapy is a valuable tool when used in addiction recovery, especially for those individuals who are unable to express themselves in talk therapies.  Some individuals with a drug or alcohol addiction find it difficult to put their feelings or thoughts into words or have trouble describing their experiences. 

How do Dance Movement Therapists Use DMT? 

Dance therapists use movement as a type of intervention by using movement as a way to help individuals relax and open up.  Dance, known as a universal language, has the ability to touch the deepest levels of the soul.  Dance therapy also has the ability to reach all aspects of a person’s well being including emotional, mental, physical, and social. 

The following are several ways dance movement therapy is used to help individuals recovering from an addiction: 

Provide a voice for feelings, thoughts, and emotions that are difficult to articulate Help resolve unresolved trauma Help to uncover buried emotions that may be painful Give taboo topics a voice 

Provide a way to process and release internal fears, conflicts, and worries 

Dance movement therapy can facilitate changes in an individual’s mood.  It can also improve a person’s behavior and physical functions.