
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is different from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT seeks to give patients the ability to recognize when their thoughts might become troublesome and gives them techniques to redirect those thoughts. DBT helps patients find ways to accept themselves, feel safe, and manage their emotions to help regulate potentially destructive or harmful behaviors.

DBT has a stronger focus on emotions and thoughts that are life threatening. As well, People who have issues with impulsive and/or reckless behavior, such as harmful addictions, along with unstable relationships, may be good candidates for DBT.

Again, we leave no stone unturned regarding offering our clients every possible therapy and process. We do not care how long it takes, or what is required by us, our goal is for them to succeed in their personal lives.

We build a uniquely designed program with each client that suits their needs exactly. We go through every area of each client’s reality, personality, past, hopes, dreams, goals and desires and pick and choose which therapies are best suited to each individual needs.

We said we were going to help, and we are determined to do so.