Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
& Trauma Focused CBT (TF-CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Trauma Focused CBT (TF-CBT) are therapy processes that are used to address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Also known as PTSD).
Through advanced understanding of addiction, and the reasons why people do what they do, we know without a doubt that all addictions stem from some sort of childhood trauma.
It is not that everyone who was traumatized becomes addicted to a harmful behavior or substance, because if the traumatized child finds an outlet for releasing the trauma, they may be okay. Sometimes that comes from a sibling to talk to, a relative, a close childhood friend, a sports coach, a teacher, a psychologist, therapy. If they do not find an outlet, they have a high chance of engaging in a coping addiction when they get old enough to make those choices.
What we know for sure is that everyone who is addicted has PTSD of some kind or another, meaning they were traumatized as a child and didn’t get that outlet, so they engage in coping addictions later on in their lives. That is why we have a very close look at each client’s life, we study it with a fine-tooth comb, looking for all opportunities that trauma could have occurred during childhood.
Our highly trained Therapists and Psychologists work hard with each client to get to the root of the problem, find the trauma, then offer solutions through therapeutic ways.
Our clients have come to us for help, we take that extremely seriously. We are relentless in our search. We want our clients to survive. We do not take our client’s lives lightly; we stop at nothing to help them get rid of their personal problems and guide them into the greatest version of themselves.