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Metacognition is the science of thinking about thinking, we have a look at how the brain reacts to learning and new things. When we truly know ourselves and know why we did what we did in the past, and do what we do, it puts us back in control of ourselves, so that situations and life’s circumstances do not push us around anymore. 

Metacognition is a deeper level of thinking that includes a person’s awareness of how they understand, adapt, change, control, and use their thought processes. For example, a person recognizes that they have difficulty remembering people’s names, so they use a trick that helps them to remember. Or someone who continues their addiction knowing that they will feel better temporarily but that the “come down” and aftereffects are disastrous to themselves and their loved ones. Why would we do such a thing? Knowing that we will have to pay the consequences afterwards? 

It is an extremely valuable study to help us understand our thought patterns and our processes through a new innovative science. When we bring awareness to what we are doing from a factual knowledge base, it takes the mystery out of the actions, and we can fit the pieces to the puzzle that has confused us most of our lives.